The Ceremony

We are having a Catholic ceremony (not a full Mass!) at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Towson, MD ( The inside was recently renovated and I like it! The walls used to be a kind of gross pink/mauve color but now they're pale yellow. The altar area is kind of gaudy maybe, but I think it looks better than before.


The Decor

I'm not sure yet what kind of decor I want for the ceremony. Maybe flower wreaths or something at the front doors? Honestly, I don't want to spend a lot of money on ceremony decor. It's a church, I think it's nice enough! But I do like this idea of flowers on some of the pews.

Ceremony Music

Everything is tentative right now, but here's what we're thinking. I really don't like the sound of the organ, but I'm kind of too lazy to find other musicians. My parents are graciously helping me with the music, and my dad likes the organ, so we'll probably just got with that. Maybe some piano.

Air from Water Music
Air on a G String
Spring from the Four Seasons

Seating of Parents:
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Entrance of Bridesmaids:
Bridal Chorus

Entrance of the Bride:
Canon in D

Recessional of the Bride:
Wedding March or Trumpet Voluntary or Trumpet Tune